The Best Way To Optimize and Utilize Your LinkedIn

With LinkedIn growing as a go-to source for making business connections and searching for future job opportunities, it is recommended to optimize your page in a manner that will enable full utility and connectivity with potential employers. Follow these easy steps to make sure your LinkedIn profile is fully optimized for future job opportunities as well as connections that will be fruitful to your career path.
Make sure your LinkedIn account is filled out completely. Your introduction section should accurately contain a headline, a specific job title, your current location, and most importantly the industry you are in. To edit, click the blue pen image label in the intro section of your profile.
Take advantage of the Job Preference section. In the job preference section, you can add things like job titles, locations you would be interested in, your preferred start-date as well as employment type. Additionally, you can be selective on who sees these preferences, you can choose to have it viewed by recruiters only or all LinkedIn members. If you select recruiters only, your preferences will only be shown to individuals using the LinkedIn recruiter product. NOTE: this does not guarantee full anonymity. This can be edited by clicking the ADD PROFILE SECTION DROP label in your introduction section.
Connect with groups and be active. Make sure you remain active on LinkedIn by joining groups that correlate with your industry. You can join groups like Restoration Professionals Networking & Support to expand your network and engage in your LinkedIn professional community.**